The 4 Cs of Diamonds

Learn about the different characteristics and qualities of a diamond. See what goes into selecting a top quality diamonds, and how we select the best and most optimal diamonds

Understanding the 4 C's of Diamonds

Diamonds are one of the most sought-after gemstones, renowned for their brilliance and timeless beauty. When purchasing a diamond, it's essential to understand the four key factors that determine its quality and value: the 4 C's. These are Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight. We put together the best and optimal combination of the 4 C’s to provide the best diamond selections. Here's a detailed look at each of these critical aspects:


The cut of a diamond is arguably the most important of the 4 C's. It refers not to the shape of the diamond but to how well it has been faceted, polished, and proportioned. The cut determines how a diamond interacts with light, creating its sparkle and brilliance. A well-cut diamond reflects light internally from one facet to another and then disperses it through the top of the stone, producing the desired sparkle.

Key Points:

  • Brilliance: The overall light reflected from a diamond.

  • Fire: The dispersion of light into the colors of the spectrum.

  • Scintillation: The pattern of light and dark areas caused by reflections within the diamond.


Diamonds are graded on a color scale from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). The less color a diamond has, the higher its value. Colorless diamonds allow more light to pass through, resulting in greater brilliance and fire. While many diamonds appear colorless to the untrained eye, subtle differences in color can significantly impact a diamond's value and visual appeal.

Key Points:

  • Colorless (D-F): These diamonds are rare and highly valued for their lack of color.

  • Near Colorless (G-J): Slight traces of color may be detectable by a gemologist, but these diamonds still offer excellent value.

  • Faint Color (K-M): These diamonds have a noticeable color, which can be seen without magnification.

  • Very Light and Light (N-Z): These diamonds have obvious color that is visible to the naked eye.


Clarity measures the purity of a diamond and the presence of internal or external imperfections, known as inclusions and blemishes, respectively. The fewer inclusions and blemishes a diamond has, the higher its clarity grade. Most imperfections are microscopic and do not affect a diamond's beauty to the naked eye, but they can influence the diamond's value.

Clarity Grades:

  • Flawless (FL): No inclusions or blemishes visible under 10x magnification.

  • Internally Flawless (IF): No inclusions visible under 10x magnification; only minor surface blemishes.

  • Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2): Inclusions are very difficult to see under 10x magnification.

  • Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2): Inclusions are difficult to see under 10x magnification.

  • Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2): Inclusions are noticeable under 10x magnification.

  • Included (I1, I2, and I3): Inclusions are obvious under 10x magnification and may affect transparency and brilliance.

Carat Weight

Carat weight measures the size of a diamond. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams. While larger diamonds are rarer and generally more valuable, two diamonds of equal carat weight can have very different values depending on their cut, color, and clarity. It's important to consider all 4 C's when evaluating a diamond.

Key Points:

  • Size Perception: The cut can affect how large a diamond appears. A well-cut diamond may look larger than its actual carat weight.

  • Price: Larger diamonds are exponentially rarer, so their value increases with carat weight.


When selecting a diamond, consider the balance of the 4 C's that best fits your preferences and budget. A diamond's cut, color, clarity, and carat weight each contribute to its unique beauty and value. By understanding these characteristics, you can make an informed decision and choose a diamond that will be cherished for a lifetime.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, our expert jewelers are here to help you find the perfect diamond.

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